Exclusive for Katusa’s Investment Insights Readers Only:
Expires Sunday, July 25th
The Global RUSH to Net Zero IS ON:
If You Missed Early Stakes in Amazon… or Bitcoin… DO NOT Miss Being Early in This Brand-New, Little-Known Commodity Sector

Inside This Letter:
- The brand-new “secret” sector that’s on the verge of $10 trillion+ in global investments – thanks to all the world’s governments.
- Marin Katusa reveals the most controversial investment he’s ever made in his career.
- What action you must take today to cash in on the biggest change in our world economy since the Industrial Revolution.
- Special Bonus: The Gold Bull Market is heating up – and what Marin is buying right now.
My name is Marin Katusa.
I’m one of the world’s leading resource investors.
Over the past two decades, I have identified dozens – if not hundreds – of little-known, lucrative investment opportunities.
They’ve personally made me millions of dollars, many times over…
And they’ve made other people—just like you—a ton of money too.
Today, that’s exactly why I’m writing.
You see, I want to tell you about a war unlike any other.
This “war” has created the biggest investment opportunity I’ve come across in the last decade—by far.
I know you think you’ve heard it before and that this is an exaggeration.
But what you’ll read in the next few minutes will show you a brand-new market in its infancy, that’s so new and under the radar…
It provides an incredible risk-reward. Unlike anything I’ve ever seen.
And if you’re interested, it has the potential to make you very, very wealthy.
Every country on the planet will fight this war, whether they like it or not.
This “war,” as I’ll explain in a moment, has created an investment opportunity so new… so unique… most investors will “get it” when it’s way too late… and the major profits are made.
It’s no exaggeration to say that this is truly a one-of-a-kind, once-in-a-century event that could potentially turn just a small stake into millions…
Not unlike getting in early on Amazon… Netflix… or even Bitcoin… all of which went up tens of thousands of percent and made early investors a fortune.…
- That’s why I believe this is one of the most important reports you will read in your lifetime.
It’s crucial that you understand exactly how this war will play out… and how you can profit from it.
In the few minutes, it will take you to read this briefing, you’ll understand everything you need to know.
Pay VERY Close Attention
to What I’m About to Say…
For starters…
Let me explain how I discovered this incredible opportunity.
Unlike many writers and analysts in finance, I don’t spend my day sitting behind a computer.
In fact, I’ve traveled over one million air miles to investigate more than 500 different investment opportunities around the world.
In my spare time, I’ve also:
- Arranged over $2 billion in financings…
- Been on the board of a public company…
- Written a New York Times bestseller
- Followed up by my second book which became a #1 Bestseller (The Rise of America)…
- Had my work featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Bloomberg, and on CNBC.
I personally know and have met many of the world’s leading financiers, resource CEOs, geologists, and private investors…
After two decades of making people money, my private Rolodex includes the biggest names in the business.
That’s why legendary investor Doug Casey, the world-famous multimillionaire resource investor who pays for my research out of his own pocket, said:
“I consider Marin a genius. I’ve been doing this for forty years, and I’ve got to tell you that Marin is the best stock picker in this field. Ever.”
Now understand:
I wasn’t always one of the biggest independent resource fund managers.
In fact, my first career was as a high school math teacher who taught calculus at night to university students.
Ever since my initial success, my passion has been bringing professional-level opportunities to folks who would never hear about them otherwise.
“All I can say about you is that you are 1st Class and an outstanding educator! YOU are my investment coach… helping me advance my skills to make wise and informed decisions! Thank you!”
– Roger H.
“Again, [it] amazes me you will take the time out even for the little guys. Truly Admirable!”
– Andrew L.
“Thank you for this month’s terrific report. The first section… brought me to tears. Thank you for fighting for the underdog.”
.– Derrick T.
That’s why I publish Katusa’s Resource Opportunities, a monthly newsletter with all of my best investment ideas.
Readers of my Katusa’s Resource Opportunities newsletter have scored many big returns in the last few months alone.
Following fast-moving opportunities across the resource sector, we’ve made:
- A 148% win in a gold producer…
- 130% profit in one of the world’s best-run pipeline companies, (where we’re now holding shares for free and getting paid a juicy dividend…)
- and 605% in a near-term large gold producer.
For some people, that last one is better than they do in a lifetime of investing…
But what I’m going to tell you about today in this urgent briefing is much, much bigger
Over the years, I’ve told folks about some incredible opportunities for big gains in natural resources, including:
- 1,450% in Ryan Gold…
- 1,852% in Uranium Energy Corp…
- 1,200% in Laramide Resources…
- 4,160% in Prophecy Resources…
- 2,440% in Lithium One…
- 1,050% in Copper Mountain Mining…
…to name a few.
Judging by the feedback we’ve received, the gains some folks have made has been life-changing…
Like Frank F., who said,
“I made exactly half a million dollars in less than a year, thanks to you.”
And Li C. wrote to say,
“My first monster win with you was 300% ten years ago. I’ve been making money with you ever since.”
Subscriber, Rob B., told me:
“I have made so much money from your service, I can’t thank you enough!”
Reader Nick F. wrote to say:
“My portfolio has taken off completely. Marin has made a fantastic difference in my success.”
I’m not telling you any of this to brag.
I just want you to understand my qualifications and experience, so you to take what I’m about to tell you seriously…
Because I believe if you decide to act on this, it’s going to change your life.
Here are the complete details…
Making Money Out of Clean Air
There’s a New Capitalism Sweeping the Globe…
Here’s How to Print Money with It
Our story starts in 2015.
That’s when 191 countries (representing 97% of global carbon emissions) signed on to the Paris Agreement which started at the COP in Paris in December 2015.
Each country committed to a certain amount of carbon emissions cuts by a certain date.
By the way, this has nothing to do with politics… what party you belong to… or even if you believe (or not) in global warming.
I take no position on any of that.
I deal in facts, and always play the hand I’m dealt… not the one I like, or wish I had.
The Paris Agreement is a legally binding treaty on climate change (I’ll tell you why that’s so important in a moment).
Its stated goal is to limit global warming “well below 1.5 degrees Celsius.”
Reality check: The global temperature has already risen 1 degree Celsius.
Meanwhile, emissions have barely fallen, as you can see here…

The blue portion of the graph above shows the total CO2 emissions in the time since the Paris Agreement in 2015.
In short, in the past five years, nothing has happened.
The longer nothing happens… the steeper the slope will have to be to hit 2030 emissions targets.
And far more drastic methods will have to be used to reach the same result.
Even if everything in the Paris Agreement comes together perfectly…
It still won’t even get close to the set-in-stone 1.5 degrees Celsius target.
- In short, the Paris Agreement is not enough… and not working at all.
Politicians fighting against carbon emissions is like bringing the calvary to a nuclear war.
That’s why the effort to “decarbonize” the world is at an incredible inflection point:
We’re on the brink of an all-out, no-holds-barred, Global War on Carbon Emissions.
This new “world war” begins in November 2021…
With a conference called “COP 26”.
It’s the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland.
Remember when I said it’s important that the Paris Agreement is “binding”?
Here’s why…
The Paris Agreement is the Geneva Convention of the 21st century. Only instead of protecting soldiers… it’s protecting the planet.
Countries that violate the agreement will be met with similarly harsh penalties.
Like what just happened to oil giant Shell…

Two things are going to happen at the conference that is a global first:
It’s the first “global ” for the Paris Agreement.
In other words, every U.N. member state will have to re-evaluate their progress against their previous commitments.
Current estimates are that they’ll find out they’re not even on track to limit global heating to 3 degrees Celsius (but you already knew that).
It’s also the first time nations will be required to exercise the “ratchet mechanism.”
Every five years, each nation is supposed to “ratchet up” its “nationally determined contributions” to the next level to ensure even more aggressive targets are met.
In short, they’re going to discover pretty fast that offering incentives to cut carbon emissions doesn’t work.
You Know What Comes Next:
FORCED Compliance
To protect our planet, developed nations will do the same thing they did to keep democracy from dying: go to war.
The weapons with which this war will be fought are at the very top of the agenda for COP26: “carbon market mechanisms.”
That’s just a fancy name for “cost of carbon.”
This new kind of cost would target any country that doesn’t meet its commitments to the Paris Agreement.
Already, leaders from countries like Canada, Australia, and the United States are discussing what carbon tariffs will look like—and just how far they’re willing to go.
And countries are already using carbon tariffs as a new form of hard power diplomacy.
Last year, Europe began threatening to push carbon tariffs onto U.S. products…
“It’s not whether it’s going to happen — it’s going to happen.”
– Former Secretary of State John Kerry
Bottom line: Most countries and companies are in a war against time.
- If they don’t cut emissions, their products will become worthless on the global market due to high tariffs from other countries.
- And the further the sales of their products fall… the harder it will be to make investments in other areas that will help cut emissions.
Countries and firms that fall behind will be unable to catch up…
So, like all other major wars, this one will completely change the shape of the globe.
Entire countries will rise and fall based on the rise and fall of their carbon emissions.
It’s an entirely new form of capitalism and global trade taking shape…
Every country in the world will fight with whatever it takes to be the first to “net zero.”
The Global Race to Net Zero is On:
If You Missed Amazon in 2012… or Bitcoin in 2017…
DO NOT Miss Being Early in This Sector…
“Net zero” means that a country uses technology to counteract every ton of carbon it emits.
The war-era spending that will be used to achieve net zero will irreversibly alter the investment landscape.
This is going to be a MAJOR investment theme and movement for the next three decades, starting now.
It’s going to make global governments’ unprecedented financial response to COVID look like pennies in comparison.
Tens of trillions of dollars – an almost unimaginable amount of money – will be thrown at the problem.
Take a look at the chart below. It shows the path we are currently on, including emission levels projected to 2050.

Let me give you an example…
Earlier this year, the European Commission outlined its roadmap for the European Green Deal.
- The total fiscal response by 2050 is estimated to be more than €7 trillion.
The University of Princeton estimated that the United States would require $9 trillion in capital expenditures over the same timeframe to reach net zero emissions.
The dollar figures and sheer speed required to hit carbon net zero are astronomical—almost unfathomable.
- Carbon net zero will create the largest government work projects in history.
It took approximately 150 years for the United States to build out its current electricity infrastructure.
To meet the net zero goal, the entire system needs to be overhauled—in twenty years.
And this is going to happen at a global scale… every country… worldwide.
It’ll put the Great Pyramids of Egypt and the Great Wall of China to shame.
Before mega-corporations start sucking in that massive flow of capital, this is your one chance to claim your fair share.
Don’t be the ONLY Katusa reader to miss out on this opportunity.
Because whenever trillions of dollars are being spent, there’s a ton of opportunity for investment—if you know what to look for.
Here’s the thing…
With something this big, it’s only a matter of time before people start catching on.
Personally, my office has received hundreds of calls on this.
Every single fund manager, investment banker, and family office I’ve spoken to about it wants to jump on board
The good news for you is—they have no idea how.
For now.
In retrospect, all the good investment angles in this brand new industry will look so obvious.
Everyone knows they “should have” invested in Zoom in 2020… or Bitcoin back in 2011… or internet stocks in 1995…
But right now…
The decarbonization sector is in its absolute infancy, which means there are very few ways to play it.
Unless you know exactly what you’re looking for, you’re just as likely to buy the next Myspace (or worse, the next Enron) as the next Facebook.
But now, with trillions of government dollars about to come pouring in…
The upside on the right early investment could be life-changing.
Knowing the best Carbon War play—right now—is nearly priceless.
I’m about to tell you the way many people will try to play the Global War on Carbon.
It’s “boring,” but it’s already generated sizeable returns.
Then I’ll outline where the real money is… in a place you’d never expect.
You Can Profit Without
Knowing Anything about Carbon Tariffs
You see, one of the incentives used to get companies enlisted in this war will be “carbon credits.”
Some like to think of them like a tax (I don’t agree with this, but let’s go with this for now)…
- Companies will be forced to buy these credits in order to pay for carbon emissions from their operations.
Or, as companies like Google or Snapchat are already doing…
They can buy carbon credits to get their company to “net zero”—meaning their total operations emit zero carbon when the credits are factored in.
In Europe, the cost of these credits has increased 35% in the past year—to more than $40 per tonne.
It is widely expected that emissions prices in Europe will soon hit over $120 per tonne.
The reason companies are doing this is because they have mandates to reduce their carbon footprint and ultimately their cost of capital is lower and increase their shareholder base.
Its all about economics and carbon credits advance those for the corporations.
- In Canada, our price is $40 per tonne. Next year it will be $50 per tonne, and it’s forecast to hit $170 per tonne by 2030.
If you want, you can buy and hold the carbon credits themselves… hoping for decent long-term gains.
But that’s like buying a couple of iPhones to invest in Apple.
There is a much better way to gain exposure carbon credit sector…
Like buying a ton of Apple stock just before Steve Jobs comeback.
…and making money from Every. Single. iPhone. that has ever rolled off the production line.
As the price of carbon credits gets higher, the trade-off becomes increasingly in favor of capital expenditures on low carbon technologies, rather than just paying to pollute.
In other words, it’s reasonable to expect the price of pollution to go up significantly over the next 30 years.
Take a look at this chart, and you can see how EARLY we are in this sector…

In a few years, every firm on Wall Street will be talking about this…

There’s Going to be a Mad Rush to Buy Carbon Offsets to “Cover Up” Emissions
I am convinced…
Based on all of my due diligence…
And am backing that with a significant chunk of my net worth…
- That the voluntary carbon market has the potential to be the fastest growing frontier market for the next 30 years.
Globally, as of June 1, 2021, there are 368 firms which have committed to “Net Zero”.
This means that each of those firms will reduce its direct greenhouse gas emissions to zero.
Currently these 368 companies emit approximately 4 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year.
Matching the locale of each of the companies to each nation’s Paris climate agreement …
- Bottom Line: My research shows there are 1.6 billion tonnes worth of carbon credits in the voluntary carbon market to achieve “net zero”.
Can the Voluntary Market Handle that kind of volume?
Not yet.
And this is exactly what makes the voluntary market such an exciting place to invest.
- Corporate demand in the voluntary carbon market has the potential to grow by an order of 7-38x over the coming decades.
Read that again and let it sink in.
You heard it here first…
The voluntary carbon market has the potential to be the fastest growing frontier market for the next 30 years.
How big?
That really is a multitrillion-dollar question.
And we won’t know the true size for many years to come.
What we can expect, though, is massive growth.
Compared to typical asset classes like stocks, bonds, or commodities, the VCM is smaller and less developed.
The voluntary carbon market is worth $750 million–$1.5 billion.
And here is an example of why the VCM has to grow…
Today, carbon offsets generate 223 million voluntary carbon market credits.
Shell Oil produces in excess of 100 million tonnes of CO2 every year.
ArcelorMittal a global steel player produces in excess of 100 million tonnes of CO2.
- KEY POINT: The emissions from just these 2 companies could swallow up nearly the ENTIRE current VCM annual supply.
I’ve never seen a market with this much potential.
And we are so early.
NO ONE is talking about this yet.
Leverage the Carbon Craze and you could Build Insane Levels of Wealth…
You know that royalty companies like Royal Gold and Silver Wheaton can be incredible investments.
After all, there’s a reason they’re called “royalty.”
Well, I’ve discovered a company in the net-zero carbon credit space that’s like a royalty and a streaming company… on steroids.
It’s a full portfolio of royalties on carbon credits from all over the world.
I strongly believe this new recommendation will become the next three to ten-fold winner in my track record.
Now, this might sound like an aggressive projection, but it’s actually conservative.
Here’s why…
Similar royalty stock opportunities in the past have made early investors 23 times their money in Royal Gold… and 113 times their money in Silver Wheaton.
Back in 2007, I participated in the financing of Sandstorm Gold (another royalty company I was among the first to publish on).
- Within five years, the company returned over 1,800% to early shareholders.
The royalty business is a proven model that routinely hands early investors 2x, 5x, and even 10x long-term gains.
And no one else but the company I’ve identified is doing it in this market.
As the company CEO said…
“There’s NOBODY Playing in Our
Sandbox Yet”
But there’s second important reason this is going to be so big…
And why this will be the best way to play a specific type of “green energy” trend…
Because this royalty company has positioned itself to collect a portion of the perpetually-increasing government tax on carbon emissions.
As you know, there are only two certainties in life: death and taxes.
And for the first time in history, you and I as investors can profit from rising taxes.
I’ve been in this business for nearly twenty years and I can tell you firsthand:
This is a truly one-of-a-kind investment.
Being one of the first here could make you more money than being early in Bitcoin… as the carbon credit market grows exponentially, where governments and corporations MUST BUY THEM.
The fact is…
- The potential for some of the biggest gains you may ever see in your life is here, right now.
That’s why I’m putting a significant amount of my own money into this particular play.
Don’t let this be another “should have” in your investing career…
This Carbon-War Royalty Stock is Going Public on the NASDAQ
The company I’ve identified is the planet’s largest financier of a net-zero world.
Their goal is an annual production of 100 million carbon credits per year.
You can do the math… that’s well over $1 billion in revenue a year.
And that’s before carbon credits start their price climb mentioned above.
- Right now, they are at 10% of that production goal and trading at less than 1x revenue.
Current rates of return using $15/tonne carbon are 400% higher than the average precious metal royalty streaming sector using $1,800 gold.
That’s absolutely insane.
If you use $20, that’s less than a three-year payback. Carbon credits in Europe trade at US$60/tonne.
The economics are incredible at those prices.
It’s simply unheard of.
This management team has significant experience in the royalty sector and the clean energy market.
The executive team on this company sold their last public company for a deal worth more than $500 million.
They openly admit they expect this one to be worth an order of magnitude more.
Some of the biggest owners of the company are smart, well-connected investors…
Like a billionaire who is focused on clean energy…
And one of the world’s smartest financing outfits that only invests in projects that deliver 90%+ margins.
The soon-to-be-public company has $50 million in cash and zero debt.
It’s simply one of the biggest and best opportunities I’ve ever seen in my life.
And here’s the best news yet…
- As of this writing, this company is not yet publicly traded.
By the time other outlets pick up on it and drive the stock price higher…
We’ll have taken our position at extremely low prices.
If you join me today, you’ll receive my free ebook, THE GENERATIONAL TRADE: 200-500% UPSIDE IN THE NET ZERO MARKET (a $2000 value – yours free when you sign up now).
In it, I’ll show you:
- How Carbonomics is THE PERFECT Storm. And how saving the earth can make you rich (p.3)
- How the Global Race to Net Zero will take shape, and how it will change everything you know about investing (p.11)
- What type of carbon credits will be in huge demand over the next decade
- The different types of carbon markets and which one has screaming corporate demand that has the potential to grow by an order of 7 to 38x over the coming decades
- And of course, you’ll get ALL THE DETAILS on my top stock in the carbon sector (p.33)
- BONUS: You’ll get all the details on my favorite net zero play he’s watching like a hawk
Again, you’ll receive your bonus report, The Generational Trade, with my compliments.
The biggest money in stocks is
made by the folks who get in early
I’m really excited to share this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with you…
I want you to be able to get in as soon as possible, so you have the opportunity for life-changing profits.
All you have to do to take part in this opportunity is to try a subscription to my premium research service.
Chances are you’ll really benefit from Katusa’s Resource Opportunities...
Because it’s designed to help you make money on my best, most exclusive investment ideas.
In fact, in the last year:
- A gold recommendation is up 620% in 13 months.
- One of our copper picks surged higher from $1.50 to $10.95 for 630% returns in under 10 months. (And the cost base, along with select subscribers, was 50 cents)
- The last royalty company I published on is up 332%
- A “secret” gold play where subscribers that bought returned over 4x their money
Calvin W. (a subscriber) sent us a note saying the following after making money on the royalty company mentioned just above…
“Thank you! Not only because you help me make a lot of money, most importantly, Marin and everyone of you set up a role model for us – what a decent person should be. It’s truly my honor to be a member of the Katusa Research family.”
The only way to make these kinds of gains on the coming race to net zero—with potentially much bigger gains to come—is to buy before the boom is in full swing.
That’s why I can’t say this strongly enough:
- This is literally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
If you missed out on the crypto boom…
Or the pot stock boom…
This is your chance to potentially make bigger gains than those two put together.
With that in mind…
If you’re interested…
I came up with something incredible for you—something I rarely ever do:
- Until Sunday, July 25th at Midnight Pacific Time, you can try Katusa’s Resource Opportunities, at a HUGE discount off the regular price.
With this special offer, I’ll show you exactly how I’ve positioned my portfolio for some of the biggest gains you could make in your life.
Why are we offering you this kind of discount?
I strongly believe that once you see the kinds of situations we follow in Katusa Resource Opportunities for yourself, first-hand…
You’ll immediately see how they can really change your life.
As one reader, G.T., wrote:
“Investing in Marin’s ideas is the best decision I ever made. He puts his money where his mouth is.”
Another reader, Rob B., told me:
“I have made so much money from your service, I can’t thank you enough!”
Reader Nick F. wrote to say:
“My portfolio has taken off completely. Marin has made a fantastic difference in my success.”
I’m ONLY Opening 250 Spots
at This PRICE:
Here’s How You Can Join Me
I started Katusa’s Research Opportunities because I wanted to share my natural resource expertise with readers all around the world.
Today, it is the subscribers of my newsletter that allow us to be one of the largest financiers in the sector…
Not just the millionaires and billionaires who usually contact me for my ideas.
In the past, people have paid me $25,000 per year for my research.
Even at that price, Katusa’s Resource Opportunities is a bargain…
When you consider that just one of my recommendations could pay for your subscription many times over.
But for the next few days ONLY…
I’ve directed my team to authorize a specially-discounted offer for you.
What I’m doing for the next few days is a big price slash for my premium research service, exclusively for Mauldin readers…
One year of Katusa’s Resource Opportunities normally costs $3,500.
But through this special limited-time offer, you can receive this research for a full 50% off the regular price.
For the next 4 days, you can become a member for: $1749
Why am I doing this?
We are celebrating 5 years of Katusa Research…
I can’t believe how fast time flies, and the type of service we’ve created to help so many people along the way.
Well, I love making people money – especially folks who would never hear about these deals otherwise.
I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth… and I’ve never been a fan of the Wall Street scene (and many of the people in it).
But my unique approach has made me a lot of friends this way, like R.K., who said:
“The initial year’s performance of your newsletter is simply phenomenal! From everyone I listened to or spoke with, your recommendations – which were given early for great gains already, are still the top picks! Unbelievably well done, Marin!
Or Dave Z., who wrote:
“For the first time in my life, my trading account is in the 7 figures and you have a lot to do with that.”
But I still get the question all the time…
If I’m so good at investing, why would I share this information with anyone who was interested?
I put millions of dollars of my own money on the line when I find opportunities like the one I’ve told you about here.
As a subscriber, you can get into these deals on the same terms and at the same price as me—in fact, you can often get better prices.
It makes me accountable beyond just my personal P&L statement.
I’ve already built a great reputation within the sector as a savvy financier.
I doubt there’s a CEO or big investor who wouldn’t take my call.
But they’re much more excited to speak with me knowing I’ve got a group of folks reading my research… individuals who may want to buy large amounts of their stock.
It also allows me to get my readers into unique, lucrative investments you would never hear about otherwise.
I love being the first to discover something ground-breaking, like the carbon credit royalty opportunity I’ve been telling you about…
And being first to a story brings the first-mover advantage for my subscribers.
In other words, when you win, I win.
So you can either continue investing like everyone else…
Or you can join me in discovering the most profitable investments in the world—well before the crowd hears about them.
How You Can Make a Killing… Even If You
“Missed Out” on the First Gold Bull Rush
The gold market moves in cycles—from dramatic boom to overnight bust, and eventually back again.
So far in this “boom,” gold has barely risen 25 percent from its floor.
That’s not even close to the minimum required to qualify for a true “bull market” over the past century.
The smallest gold run-up in the past 90 years was 45 percent—more than twice the current gain.
Every other rally was far, far bigger:
- From 1972–1974, the rally yielded a 100 percent gain.
- From 1978–1980, another 100 percent gain.
- Then from 2007–2010, a 67 percent increase in the price of gold.

As you can see from the chart, when gold is ready to rise, it takes off.
Every single one of the years in the date ranges above saw an increase of more than 20 percent.
That’s how you know the roaring 20’s gold rally has barely just begun.
And when gold breaks out in the final, most important currency… The US Dollar…. LOOKOUT.
It’s not unusual to see stocks that have already rocketed higher in our portfolio go up by many multiples.
But when I find a great opportunity, I don’t just run into the market and buy at any price. Instead, I stay patient and wait for great prices.
I “stalk” the stock. I wait for the market to mark it down.
If it takes me weeks or months to accumulate what I want at the price I want, so be it.
That’s just how the resource market works.
That’s why I’m putting millions of dollars of my own money into a tiny group of carefully selected natural resource stocks…
The “best of the best” in the sector.
I expect to make 5 to 10x returns in some of these stocks, just as I’ve done in the past for subscribers like Ali A….
“430% before I hit the sell button on a good portion of that stock yesterday… I am looking at my portfolio upswing in disbelief and Joy. Great job, Marin!”
You see, I’m an alligator investor.
I buy and recommend stocks that are out of favor.
Then I take profits and “free-rides” when the rest of the markets catch on.
One stock was a triple for our subscribers…
And, like usual, sent out a Katusa Free Ride report for everyone to lock in their gains and keep some for free without any risk.
In fact, I’ve handed massive returns to subscribers because I stick to my blueprint that’s kept me disciplined for over 15 years in this business, and made me a multi-millionaire.
It’s a proven recipe for success – and it’s how some subscribers just cashed in 605% returns in under 12 months.

That’s why, according to subscriber Jarrod L., some of my best recommendations could make you a lot of money in a very short time…
“I am a paid subscriber and have been for 6 months. Marin’s research is outstanding and for those who don’t believe these returns, this is all 100% true. I have paid for my subscription with the gains 3x over.”
This is how I’ve operated in the market for years and years… and how I’ve built a fortune in sideways and bear markets.
But today, that time is coming to an end.
I believe we only have a short window of time before a massive gold bull market kicks off within the commodities sector.
And I’m going to reveal my entire gold portfolio to you…
Get The 3 Best Gold Stocks
I’m Putting Millions Into Right Now
After taking large profits off the table in the 2020 mini gold boom and watching gold make a base at today’s prices….
I’m now investing millions of dollars of my own money into an incredible group of carefully selected resource stocks.
These are the “best of the best” in the entire sector…
Run by the best and brightest management teams in the business, all of whom I know personally…
With considerable amounts of their own money in the exact same stocks I’m buying and recommending:
- Gold Supercycle Stock #1 – This company has four premier gold projects – all in North America. Another huge buyout candidate for the majors as gold gets harder and harder to find… and where investors who get in now could make a fortune as the coming supercycle plays out…
- Gold Supercycle Stock #2: – The “Grade King”. This company has an incredible project with twice the reserve grade of the top 200 gold projects in the world. In a safe location and financed with permits in hand, this is one that every gold portfolio must own.
- BONUS Gold Supercycle Stock #3 – This company is about to go public in a BIG way. And Katusa Research was the FIRST to publish on it. Not a single other outlet is on to this story… yet. Led by one of the greatest mining entrepreneurs on the planet. And the location of this gold endowment doesn’t get better. You must watch the video with management to understand the incredible potential of this company.
You’ll get the full report on all of these 3 companies in your BONUS report: Marin’s Top 3 Stocks for the Gold Bull Market (a $2500 value—yours free when you sign up now…)
And because we’re celebrated 5 years as a company.
You will have a very short window to get both of these special reports outlining all of the major opportunities Marin will reveal to you for an incredible price.
Like I said, we rarely ever make a generous offer like this one.
And you may NEVER see this offer again…
You can try one full year of Katusa’s Resource Opportunities for just $1,749. That’s 50% off the regular retail price
So if you’ve been sitting on the fence, it’s time to act now.
And there’s a good chance you may never see the price this low again.
Immediately after joining, you’ll receive:
- One year (12 months) of Katusa’s Resource Opportunities. My “personal journal” of what I’m doing with my own money, where I detail the best small opportunities in the natural resource space.
You’ll see a full table of:
- ALL my current positions,
- My average costs, and
- Full analysis and interviews in the archives.
You’ll receive a new issue on the first Wednesday of every month.
Right now, my recommended portfolio has several exciting opportunities you can get into right away… to potentially make 2x… 3x… 5x your money… or more.
With your subscription, you’ll also receive instant access to my complete archive of special reports, along with my recommended portfolio in Katusa’s Resource Opportunities, which shows you my top recommendations right now.
This One-of-a-Kind Offer Closes at Midnight on July 25th
As the many letters and e-mails we receive from happy subscribers can attest, joining Katusa’s Resource Opportunities could be the best decision you make this year:
“I had already made profits than pay for the subscription. In addition to your track record, your videos really set your newsletter above the rest.”
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“Your general investment advice is absolute gold.”
– Edward G.
“Marin’s research is outstanding and for those who don’t believe these returns, this is all 100% true. I have paid for my subscription with the gains 3x over.”
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“My Katusa subscription is my best investment this year!”
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“…paid for the subscription a few times over!”
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“All I can say about you is that you are 1st Class and an outstanding educator! YOU are my investment coach… helping me advance my skills to make wise and informed decisions! Thank you!”
– Roger H.
“A quick email to simply say a huge THANK YOU from the little guy… the odds are tipped in our favor only because of (you)”
– Cindy A.
“Over the last 10 to 15 years I have read many a financial newsletter and it is rare to find the quality, honesty, and integrity that you bring to the table. To you and your team – keep up the good work!”
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“Already paid for itself in one week. Incredible!”
– James W.
To get started, and take advantage of this very limited time discount, click the “Subscribe Now” button below…
This will take you to a safe, secure site where you can review everything before you order.
And as soon as the details on this incredible carbon royalty deal are ready, you’ll receive an urgent alert from me, with instructions on exactly how to get in on it.

Marin Katusa

Katusa’s Resource Opportunities
Take Advantage of our Special 5th Year Anniversary 50% Discount Today—for Katusa’s Investment Insights readers ONLY
One year of Katusa’s Resource Opportunities normally costs $3,500.
But through this special limited-time offer, you can receive this research for a full 50% off the regular price—just $1749.
Join today and you’ll receive:
One year (12 months) of Katusa’s Resource Opportunities. Expect a new issue on the first Wednesday of every month, featuring a big new opportunity in junior natural resource stocks from Marin—including his two favorite ways to invest in gold now for maximum gains.
- Special Report #1 – Making Money Out Of Thin Air: How Carbon Credits Will Mint the Next Generation of Millionaires (a $2000 value—yours free)
- Special Report #2 – Marin’s Top 3 Gold Stocks for the Gold Bull Market ($2500 value—yours free)
- BONUS E-BOOK: The Secrets of Making Money in Gold & Gold Stocks ($250 value—yours free)
You’ll also get urgent email alerts as needed when Marin spots an opportunity to buy or sell an investment that simply can’t wait days or weeks.
OUR GUARANTEE: Due to the sensitive nature of the opportunity I’ve told you about here, there will be no refunds on this offer.
If you wish to keep your Katusa’s Resource Opportunities membership after the first year, next year, we will automatically bill your credit card on file. With this offer, the deeply discounted price of $1749 annually is “locked-in”—it will never go up for as long as you wish to continue your subscription.
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Katusa’s Resource Opportunities
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“The first recommendation I put money into (Northern Dynasty) made me $5,200 in the first month and paid for my annual subscription a couple of times over. It’s all upside from here. Thank you, Marin!”
-Bryan M.
“My portfolio has taken off completely. Marin has made a fantastic difference with my success in the resource sector.”
–Nick F.
“Marin, thank you for recommending Challenger Deep as I’ve never made 1000% returns before. I made out with about $25,000 on my initial $2500 investment then bought my first ever tailored suit. I feel like you should charge way more for finding these gems (but please don’t)!”
-Ante S.
“Marin always finds investments I have never heard of, but I’ve learned to pay attention. He suggested buying Brazil Resources… I made exactly half a million dollars after getting back my original $90,000. I made over 500% in less than a year.”
-Frank F.
“I just wanted to tell you I appreciate what you are doing for me; for the first time in my life my trading account is in the 7 figures, and you have a lot to do with that.”
-Dave Z.
Refund Policy:
Due to the sensitive nature of the opportunity I’ve told you about here, there will be no refunds on this offer.
When you pay for Katusa’s Resource Opportunities with your credit card, you will be billed a membership fee of $1,749. If you wish to keep your membership after the first year, we will automatically bill you $1,749 on your one-year anniversary. We will continue to bill you $1,749 after that. You can cancel your subscription at any time before your renewal.
You will receive at least one reminder before being billed for your annual renewal. This discounted membership price is locked in for the life of your membership. It will never rise. If at some point in the future you wish to discontinue your membership, you may cancel online in your Account or you can email or phone us and your membership will stop.