100 Years in the Making…
The Next 60 Days Could Be the Start of the Greatest Gold Bull Market of All Time—and How to Make 10x Gains If You Get in Now

Hi, Marin Katusa here.
Gold just shattered its all-time high and big investors are jumping in.
A commodity supercycle is brewing, poised to unleash a “roaring 20s” economic revival.
When the gold price rises just $50-100 per ounce…
The right gold stocks don’t just climb; they can soar to blistering heights, offering gains that could eclipse the most speculative tech investment.
I’ve shown my subscribers opportunities to make huge gains in gold stocks over the years—even in a so-called bear market.
- In fact, back in 2015—the middle of the last gold bear market—I recommended Kirkland Lake at $3 a share.
It then went over $39 a share—a 13X gain…
The price action right now in 2024 is pointing to a truly unprecedented gold bull market. And it’s the type of High-Risk / High-Reward setup that I absolutely love.

And we’re seeing a lot of excitement building in gold especially.
You see, my followers have scored many big returns over the last few years after publishing on fast moving opportunities across the resource sector…
Like 201% profit in a gold producer.
A 664% profit in a junior gold company that picked up a top-tier asset.
A 47% profit in one of the world’s top energy companies (and still paying us a handsome dividend).
And also 113% profits in a gold/copper development company.
Then just last month we profiled a unique gold company that’s up 42%.
Over the years, I’ve told folks about some incredible opportunities for big gains in natural resources, including:
- 4,160% in Prophecy Resources…Â
- 2,440% in Lithium One…
- 1,852% in Uranium Energy Corp…
- 1,450% in Ryan Gold…
- 1,200% in Laramide Resources…
- 1,050% in Copper Mountain Mining, to name a few…
Judging by the feedback we’ve received, the gains some particular folks have made have been life-changing…
Like Frank F., who said,
“I made exactly half a million dollars in less than a year, thanks to you.”
And Li C. told me,
“My first monster win with you was 300% ten years ago. I’ve been making money with you ever since.”
Results are never typical or guaranteed. What I do is very high risk.
In a few minutes, for example, I’ll tell you about two great new opportunities I’ve been following that could absolutely skyrocket very soon… as much as 500% or more.
So, after careful consideration…
We came up with something incredible for you—something we rarely ever do:
Until this offer expires, you can try my premier research service, Katusa’s Resource Opportunities, at a discounted rate…
And one of the best deals we EVER offer.
Why are we doing this?
I strongly believe that once you see the kinds of situations we follow in Resource Opportunities for yourself, firsthand…
You’ll see how they really can change your life.
One reader, Rob B., told me:
“I have made so much money from your service, I can’t thank you enough!”
Reader Nick F. wrote to say:
“My portfolio has taken off completely. Marin has made a fantastic difference in my success.”
And Doug Casey, the world-famous multi-millionaire resource investor who pays for my research out of his own pocket, said:
“I consider Marin a genius. I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I’ve got to tell you that Marin is the best stock picker in this field. Ever.”
Simply put:
I find lucrative investment opportunities that can make people a ton of money because I don’t spend all day sitting behind a computer.
In the past 18 years, I’ve traveled over one million air miles to investigate over 500 different investment opportunities in more than 100 countries.
I’ve been on the board of a public company… arranged over $2 billion in equity financing… written a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller… and my work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Bloomberg and on CNBC.
I know some of the world’s leading financiers, CEOs, geologists, and private investors personally…
And my passion is bringing these professional-level opportunities—which have made me a multi-millionaire—to folks who would never hear about them otherwise.
In fact, the legendary resource financier Rick Rule, President and CEO of Sprott U.S. Holdings, said this about me:
“[Marin] has worked directly with and financed many companies of well-known individuals in the resource industry and has become one of the most trusted and well-connected dealmakers in the junior resource sector. A very bright, bright mind.”
I could feature many more endorsements like this.
After over a decade of making people money, my private Rolodex includes the biggest names in the business.
I’m not saying this to brag, but so you take what I’m about to tell you seriously…
Right now, we’re entering an era of incredible opportunity
As I’m sure you know, the world is going through a time of unprecedented change and upheaval.
There’s the global pandemic… social unrest across the world… international trade wars…stagnating first-world economies… and the lowest interest rates in history…
Then there’s the most contentious presidential election in American history… and we might not even know who’s President until weeks after election day!
All of this is setting the stage for what I believe are the greatest investment opportunities we will ever see in gold and natural resources.
That’s why I’m putting millions of dollars of my own money into a tiny group of carefully selected natural resource stocks…
The “best of the best” in the junior resource sector.
I expect to make 5 to 10x returns in some of these stocks, just as I’ve done in the past for subscribers like Ali A….
“430% before I hit the sell button on a good portion of that stock yesterday… I am looking at my portfolio upswing in disbelief and Joy. Great job, Marin!”
You see, I’m an alligator investor.
I buy and recommend stocks that are out of favor.
Then I take profits and “free-rides” when the rest of the markets catch on.
In fact, I’ve handed massive returns to subscribers because I stick to my blueprint that’s kept me disciplined for over 15 years in this business, and made me a multi-millionaire.
It’s a proven recipe for success in gold bull markets – and it’s how subscribers cashed in 560% returns in 6 months.

That’s why, according to subscriber Jarrod L., some of my best recommendations could make you a lot of money in a very short time…
“I am a paid subscriber and have been for 6 months. Marin’s research is outstanding and for those who don’t believe these returns, this is all 100% true. I have paid for my subscription with the gains 3x over.”
Look, you don’t need to burn your capital chasing mining dreams and lottery tickets.
I’ll let you in on a million-dollar secret I’ve used over and over again to make a fortune….
Most people don’t know that certain “left for dead” mines around the world can now be developed, thanks to huge advancements in mining technology.
Like another small company in our portfolio that has resurrected one left-for-dead mine, with incredible results to date…
Better yet, this company owns several additional mine sites that could be developed using new technology.
We bought tranches of this company on 3 separate occasions. Our last buy went up 618%.
So, if you’re interested in stocks like these…
You can join me through this special, limited-time offer.
In fact, let me tell you about two incredible situations I’m betting big on right now that I’m covering in Katusa’s Resource Opportunities, which you will have access to immediately…
How You Can Make a Killing… Even If You “Missed Out” on the First Gold Bull Rush
The gold market moves in cycles—from dramatic boom to overnight bust, and eventually back again.
So far in this “boom,” gold has barely risen 25% from its floor.
That’s not even close to the minimum required to qualify for a true “bull market” over the past century.
The smallest gold run-up in the past 90 years was 45 percent—more than twice the current gain.
Every other rally was far, far bigger:
- From 1972–1974, the rally yielded a 100 percent gain.
- From 1978–1980, another 100 percent gain.
- Then from 2007–2010, a 67 percent increase in the price of gold.

As you can see from the chart, when gold is ready to rise, it takes off.
Every single one of the years in the date ranges above saw an increase of more than 20 percent.
That’s how you know the 2024 gold rally has barely just begun.
And when gold breaks out in the final, most important currency… The US Dollar… LOOK OUT.
It’s not unusual to see stocks that have already rocketed higher in our portfolio go up by many multiples.
But when I find a great opportunity, I don’t just run into the market and buy at any price. Instead, I stay patient and wait for great prices.
I “stalk” the stock. I wait for the market to mark it down. If it takes me weeks or months to accumulate what I want at the price I want, so be it.
That’s just how the resource market works.
This is how I’ve operated in the market for years and years… and how I’ve built a fortune in sideways and bear markets.
But today, that time is coming to an end.
I believe we only have a short window of time before a massive gold bull market kicks off within the commodities sector.
And I’m going to reveal my entire gold portfolio to you and show you how you can…
Make 523%… 670%… 1,100%… or More in the Next Gold Bull Market, Starting Now
Gold just closed about $2,100 for the first time in human history.
This is a monster move…

…and has investors buzzing.
As savvy investors will tell you…
When the price of gold goes up just a little… the right gold stocks can potentially go up thousands of percent.
I should know…
Because I’m one of the world’s leading financiers in the resource space, I’ve shown my clients huge gains in little-known gold stocks over the years—even in a so-called bear market.
In fact, back in 2015—the middle of the last gold bear market—I recommended New Market Gold (which then merged with Kirkland Lake at $3 a share). It soared to $75 per share.

Another of my recommendations, Ryan Gold, returned 1,450%.
And Midas Gold skyrocketed by 1,901%.
FULL DISCLAIMER: These stocks are very high risk, and you could lose anything that you invest in the market. But that’s actually why I love the resource sector.
The fact is…
When you buy the right gold stocks at the start of a big bull market—like where we are right now…
It’s one of the only realistic ways you can potentially turn a small stake into enough to buy a vacation home… travel around the world… or secure your retirement for a long time to come.
Just don’t wait to get in…
Because I believe that the next gold and natural resources bull market in gold is in the extremely early stages, right now.
What to Do Now: How to be part of my Gold Deals…
There is only ONE way to get involved in these deals – where I invest my own money in the resource sector.
Especially gold stocks.
As far as I know, there’s no other newsletter in the world that’s on these incredible Project Gold Rush size stories and opportunities right now.
Here’s what my team and I have done…
I’ve prepared a full briefing on an emerging situation that I will send you immediately.
- It’s called Project Gold Rush: North America’s Hottest Gold Assets.
In the report, I’ll share:
The full details and my complete analysis of one of my favorite gold companies:
What it does . . .
How it’s positioned in the gold markets… the exit plan… and how much you could expect to gain out of the gate and long-term…
I can’t guarantee gains or returns, of course…
As with any kind of investing, you could lose some or all of your money.
To receive my Project Gold Rush research report…
All you have to do right now is secure one of the available membership spots today to my research service, Katusa’s Resource Opportunities… before we have to take this offer down.
Like the financing opportunity I’ve been telling you about…
I doubt you’ll hear any of the ideas I’ll share with you in Katusa’s Resource Opportunities anywhere else.
They’ve generated millions of dollars for me, my friends and family, and plenty of other folks in my life.
I Personally Invest MILLIONS Into My Best Ideas… And Now You Can Join Me
I started Katusa Research because I wanted to share my natural resource expertise with readers all around the world…
It is the subscribers of my newsletter that allow us to be one of the largest financiers in the sector.
Not just the millionaires and billionaires who usually contact me for my ideas.
I love making people money. It’s my passion. And, to be honest, people remember you when you told them about a stock that made them 15 times their money.
I’ve made a lot of friends that way, like R.K., who said:
“The initial year’s performance of your newsletter is simply phenomenal! From everyone I listened to or spoke with, your recommendations – which were given early for great gains already, are still the top picks! Unbelievably well done, Marin!
Or Dave Z., who wrote:
“For the first time in my life, my trading account is in the 7 figures and you have a lot to do with that.”
But I still get the question all the time…
If I’m so good at investing, why would I share this information with anyone who is interested?
Well, I put millions of dollars of my own money on the line when I find opportunities like the ones I’ve told you about here.
As a subscriber, you can get into these deals on the same terms and at the same price as me—in fact, you can often get better prices.
It makes me accountable beyond just my personal P&L statement.
The second reason I share my research is a bit greedier…
It makes me a more effective investor and dealmaker… which makes me and my readers more money.
I’ve already built a great reputation within the sector as a savvy financier.
I doubt there’s a CEO or big investor who wouldn’t take my call. They may not like me, but they will take my call.
But they’re much more excited to speak with me knowing I’ve got a group of folks reading my research… individuals who can buy large amounts of their stock.
It also allows me to get my readers into unique, lucrative investments you would never hear about otherwise.
I love being the first to discover something ground-breaking. And being first to a story brings the first-mover advantage for my subscribers.
This way, we all win together.
Which is why – before I show you how to get in on the same deals I do with Katusa’s Resource Opportunities… at a big discount for Robert Kiyosaki’s followers like you…
There’s an unusual situation I’m following as I write this, which I have to bring to your attention…
Highly Confidential:
The Secret Site Visit That Could Be the Biggest Score of My Career
My team and I strive to make Katusa’s Resource Opportunities a unique research service.
Unlike a lot of other newsletters out there, I lead the hunt with skin in the game.
I invest at the same price as subscribers.
I spend substantial time and money researching the best deals and trades.
In fact, during the Covid lockdown…
I chartered a private plane and completed the site visit of what I believe might be the single largest score of my career.
It has taken nearly 2 decades of experience and 500+ site visits to be able to spot this opportunity.
Even then, it has not been—and will not be—an easy score.
Now, I can’t say too much about this deal at the moment. Nor can I give away any revealing details.
But here’s what I can tell you:
Because of the destination country, the Canadian government imposed a 14-day self-quarantine on me when I returned.
During those two weeks, I was prohibited from seeing my family or anyone else.
(To say my wife wasn’t thrilled with me would be an understatement.)
But this is the sacrifice I’m willing to make—not just for my portfolio and my family’s financial future, but for all Katusa subscribers.
To get to where I’m going, my group couldn’t book a flight with a major airline.
So we booked a large private plane.
No expenses were spared on this trip.
I brought some of the most experienced geologists and engineers in the world.
They are all incredibly experienced, successful hall-of-famers.
Each of them had to sign a confidentiality agreement—me included.
My geological and engineering team agrees with me: The potential of this opportunity was worth the sacrifice of being away from loved ones for a fourteen-day quarantine upon return.
I know that sounds bad, but it is what it takes to be the best in the business.
I’ve personally spent a lot of money on due diligence costs, including pre–site visit analysis, site visit logistics, and post–site visit analysis for this project.
This is all on my personal tab—not shareholders.
I do this on behalf of every subscriber.
I have already committed millions of dollars of my own money to this company.
And if you aren’t a subscriber to Katusa’s Resource Opportunities, you likely will never hear about this company until it’s way too late…
…and every other newsletter is covering it at much higher prices.
Like I said, I’m not allowed to talk about this project. I’m not allowed to talk about the people behind it.
I can’t even tell you the location.Â
But I can tell you the original financing was over 5x oversubscribed.
And let me tell you: subscribers absolutely love it when they get in the room and in the deal…
“All I can say about you is that you are 1st Class and an outstanding educator! YOU are my investment coach… helping me advance my skills to make wise and informed decisions! Thank you!”
– Roger H.
“Again, [it] amazes me you will take the time out even for the little guys. Truly Admirable!”
– Andrew L.
I believe Katusa’s Resource Opportunities could help you generate $250,000 or more in the coming years
There are just a few things you should know about my service before you take advantage of this special limited-time offer.
To make truly huge returns in the resource market, you must be willing to seize opportunities outside the comfort zone of most investors.
Grabbing the opportunity to make hundreds of percent often requires taking a risk…
…which often means buying stocks with very small market caps… the kind you’ll never see in the mainstream news, or mentioned by a financial advisor.
Yes, these stocks can be volatile. And not every opportunity will be a winner.
But that’s also why the gains I’ve shown readers in the past can be so hugely rewarding…
Africa Oil
Challenger Deep Capital
ShaMaran Petroleum
Aben Resources
Energulf Resources
Sterling Resources
GNG Resources
Realm International
Stream Oil and Gas
Copper Mountain Mining
Hathor Exploration
Ryan Gold
In short…
The money you can make from just one or two winners could be enough to buy a new house… a new car… or put a kid through college.
So if you’re willing to learn a new way of making money… if you’re willing to venture outside the conventional world of regular stocks and bonds…
You’ll be able to act on many of my recommendations immediately.
Others will be “watch list” stocks, where you need to be patient like an alligator.
I do this because the exact price you pay is so important on small stocks like these.
It can be the difference between a huge winner… or ending up on the wrong side of the trade.
Finally, you should have at least $15,000 in capital.
It’s none of my business how much you invest in my recommendations. But people who are equipped to use this service typically have accumulated capital and experience with which to speculate.
By now, you may be wondering… how much to get in?
How to Get Access Immediately – At a HUGE Special Discount
Consider this…
Top hedge funds happily pay $50,000 for “deep dive” research projects on stocks that can return hundreds, even thousands of percent.
Also consider that in the past, people have paid $25,000 annually for access to my ideas.
But through this special five-day-only offer for readers like you, we’re not charging anywhere near that much.
For a small fraction of what people have paid in the past for my ideas… and the kind of gains I’m confident this research will deliver, you’ll get full access to my best gold and natural resource recommendations for the next 12 months.
One full year of Katusa’s Resource Opportunities normally costs $3,500.
It’s not cheap, for two reasons:
One: This research is extremely expensive to produce. As you’ll see, what I do is far beyond what you see from other research firms.Â
I spend over $100,000 per year on data services alone. I travel constantly – I have even booked private planes to get to sites during COVID. I have a full-time, seven-person staff. When I need specialized insight on projects, I pay expensive experts who are the top in the world in their specific fields.
All of this produces a much, much higher quality research product than you’ll find anywhere else.
Two: Because I focus on a very small sector, the high price tag ensures tons of people aren’t competing for shares. This allows me to provide tremendous value to serious folks who want to take part in what I’m doing.
My goal is to share this kind of investing with anyone interested in changing their lives for the better.
However, I don’t want to attract people with zero investment experience, discipline, or skill.
This simply isn’t for them. There are many newsletters and investment advisors that will gladly take your money, but I’m not one of them.
Katusa’s Resource Opportunities is for investors with some level of experience in the market… for people who know the value of a great idea.
After all, in the hands of the right investor, this kind of information could be worth a fortune.
For example, subscriber F.F. told me he made half a million dollars on just one of my recommendations:
“Marin always finds investments I have never heard of, but I’ve learned to pay attention. He suggested buying Brazil Resources. I bought 200,000 shares at C$0.45. It was a C$90,000 investment. I sold my shares at C$2.95. I made exactly half a million dollars after getting back my original $90,000. I made over 500% in less than a year.”
Today, because I want to make it as attractive as possible for you to access my top resource stock buys right now…
You can try one full year of Katusa’s Resource Opportunities for just $1,499 — $2,000 off the regular retail price
Like I said, we rarely ever make a generous offer like this one…
So if you’re interested in joining, act now.
There’s a good chance you’ll never see the price this low again.
Immediately after joining, you’ll receive:
- One year (12 months) of Katusa’s Resource Opportunities. My “personal journal” of what I’m doing with my own money, where I detail the best small opportunities in the natural resource space.
You’ll see a full table of:
- ALL my current gold positions (PLUS 4 BUYS RIGHT NOW all detailed for you),
- My average costs and
- Full analysis in the archives.
You’ll receive a new issue on the first Wednesday of every month. Right now, my recommended portfolio has several exciting opportunities you can get into right away… to potentially make 2x… 3x… 5x your money… or more.
With your subscription, you’ll also receive instant access to my complete archive of special reports, along with my recommended portfolio in Katusa’s Resource Opportunities, which shows you my top recommendations right now.
Plus: When you take advantage of this special offer today…
I’ll send you my just-published special report on two of my “top buy” opportunities right now…
This Special Offer Closes SOON
Bottom line: You can either continue investing like everyone else…
Or you can join me in finding the most profitable investments in the world—well before the crowd hears about them.
As the many letters and e-mails we receive from happy subscribers can attest, joining Katusa’s Resource Opportunities could be the best decision you make this year:
“I had already made profits than pay for the subscription. In addition to your track record, your videos really set your newsletter above the rest.”
Joel N.
“Your general investment advice is absolute gold.”
Edward G.
“My Katusa subscription is my best investment this year!”
Zoran M.
“Your service is very special; I’m making a lot of money with you.”
Mark K.
“…paid for the subscription a few times over!”
Todd G.
 “Big fan of the service and have made HUGE bank”
Mac D.
“Taking a free ride today… thanks for everything you do!”
Dillon F.
“A quick email to simply say a huge THANK YOU from the little guy… the odds are tipped in our favor only because of (you)”
Cindy A.
“Over the last 10 to 15 years I have read many a financial newsletter and it is rare to find the quality, honesty, and integrity that you bring to the table. To you and your team – keep up the good work!”
John F.
“Already paid for itself in one week. Incredible!”
James W.
To get started, click the “Subscribe Now” button below.
This will take you to a safe, secure site where you can review everything before you order.

Marin Katusa

Katusa’s Resource Opportunities
Take Advantage of Our Special Offer:
$2,000 Discount Today
One year of Katusa’s Resource Opportunities normally costs $3,500.
But through this special limited-time offer, you can receive this research for a full $2,000 off the regular price—just $1,499.
Join today and you’ll receive:
One year (12 months) of Katusa’s Resource Opportunities. Expect a new issue on the first Wednesday of every month, featuring a big new opportunity in junior natural resource stocks from Marin—including his two favorite ways to invest in gold now for maximum gains.
- BONUS SPECIAL REPORT #1: Project Gold Rush: An exlusive way you could make 5-10x in the gold markets
- BONUS E-BOOK: The Secrets of Making Money in Gold & Gold Stocks ($250 value—yours free)
You’ll also get urgent email alerts as needed, when Marin spots an opportunity to buy or sell an investment that simply can’t wait days or weeks.
REFUND POLICY: If you’re not totally satisfied with our report on this incredible opportunity and our extensive educational materials, simply let us know within the first 30 days of purchase and we’ll refund your membership fee in full.

Please click on Place Order button once and wait. Do not refresh the page.
Refund Policy:
If you’re not totally satisfied with our report on this incredible opportunity and our extensive educational materials, simply let us know within the first 30 days of purchase and we’ll refund your membership fee, in full.
When you pay for Katusa’s Resource Opportunities with your credit card, you will be billed a membership fee of $1,499. If you wish to keep your membership after the first year, we will automatically bill you $1,499 on your one-year anniversary. We will continue to bill you $1,499 after that. You can cancel your subscription at any time before your renewal.
You will receive at least one reminder before being billed for your annual renewal. This discounted membership price is locked in for the life of your membership. It will never rise. If at some point in the future, you wish to discontinue your membership, you can email us here or phone us at 778-737-7381 between 8AM to 4PM PST (Monday-Friday) and your membership will stop.
Note: All prices are in USD.
To read our Terms and Conditions disclaimers, click here.
“The first recommendation I put money into (Northern Dynasty) made me $5,200 in the first month and paid for my annual subscription a couple of times over. It’s all upside from here. Thank you, Marin!”
-Bryan M.
“My portfolio has taken off completely. Marin has made a fantastic difference with my success in the resource sector.”
–Nick F.
“Marin, thank you for recommending Challenger Deep as I’ve never made 1000% returns before. I made out with about $25,000 on my initial $2500 investment then bought my first ever tailored suit. I feel like you should charge way more for finding these gems (but please don’t)!”
-Ante S.
“I just wanted to tell you I appreciate what you are doing for me; for the first time in my life my trading account is in the 7 figures, and you have a lot to do with that.”
-Dave Z.
“Marin always finds investments I have never heard of, but I’ve learned to pay attention. He suggested buying Brazil Resources… I made exactly half a million dollars after getting back my original $90,000. I made over 500% in less than a year.”
-Frank F.